T.W landscape & property services cover all areas of retaining walls, block and brick walls, bespoke planter and sleeper construction, pond designs, you name it, we can do it. Anything from a basic raised planter through to feature planter steps in a garden or a basic retaining wall through to a decorative garden wall or a pond constructed into your garden, we can work all ideas to a bespoke, high-quality finish.

Having installed a huge array of planters and retaining walls we have all the knowledge possible to advise you or your sloped, tiered, awkward or falling away gardens. We can build high spec solutions all be it a basic sleeper wall or brickwork with incorporated planters as a feature, we can make your retaining work become a feature and likewise any planter work to suit your needs.

We have built and designed ponds as well as installed pre-manufactured ponds, so again, any idea you have we can work with you to get the right, high-quality finish you deserve.